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To get the most out of your dried and preserved flowers


Caring for dried flowers


01 — Moisture/water

Don’t put your flowers in water!! Unlike fresh flowers, dried and preserved blooms are best kept in a cool and dry environment.

02 — Sunlight

These flowers and plants’ photosynthesis days are over. Keep them out of direct sunlight. Over time sunlight can fade and discolour your flowers, leaving you with a very un-colourful bouquet.

03 — Be Gentle

Dried and Preserved flowers won’t regrow if they snap or break. They can be very delicate, so be kind when arranging.

04 — Extra Care

To keep your blooms looking fabulous for years to come, a bit of extra care every now and again can go along way. Blast blooms from a distance with a hair dryer on a cool setting, this shifts the dust and gives dried and preserved flowers a bit of a boost.

Arrange and Enjoy Your Blooms For Years

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